I discovered Alice's blog during one of my Pinterest-a-thons {you know, minutes that turn into hours pinning pretty things}. I couldn't help but notice her fabulous pics and mouthwatering recipes! She's one of those bloggers that makes it look so easy and makes every recipe look totally doable. From appetizers like Coconut Lemongrass Chicken Curry Crostini to simple dishes like Arugula and Artichoke Pasta Salad, Alice manages to keep cooking practical and delectable all at the same time. Now that's talent.
As it turns out, she is just as wonderful in person. I totally stopped her in the middle of BlogHer Food and picked her brain about blogging related questions. And she was kind enough to stand there and humor me. I learned more in about 20 minutes of chatting with Alice than I could have from an entire weekend of conferencing! She's kind of awesome. Get a little dose of her awesomeness yourself by following her on:
*Don't forget!* Enter to win our Ice Cream Social prize pack including goodies from our friends at Joy Cone & a copy of the fabulous Ruby Violet's Ice Cream Dreams from our pals at Hardie Grant!
Alice // Hip Foodie Mom says
Dianna, thanks so much for having me here today!!! Love that you got so many of us together for ice cream social week!! I loved meeting you. . you are just the sweetest person!! Cheers to ice cream week and I hope you are able to kick your shoes off, relax and gobble down lots of ice cream this week!!
Shaina Wizov says
Alice this sounds fantastic!! I love big brownie chunks in my ice cream, and recipes that don't require the attachment are awesome. I'm so glad I got to spend time with the both of you at BlogHer Food, it was lots of fun 🙂
Karen @ The Food Charlatan says
Sweetened condensed milk. It makes the world go round. Love this Alice!
Nancy @ gottagetbaked says
Hi Dianna! I'm here from Alice's wonderful blog and I'm so glad to be introduced to another fabulous blogger! Alice, girrrrrrl, ice cream is the key to my heart and this no-churn, no-machine version is one of my faves. I love that you studded it with decadent chunks of brownie. Love this!
Allie BakingAMoment says
This is such a great method! I will definitely have to give it a try. Love Alice and LOVE brownies and ice cream!!!
Katie says
Ok, I am loving that I can make some ice cream with my stand mixer like this - I have to try it out! I haven't broken down and bought the actual ice cream attachment...